(Hello, Sis. Our trips have sold out a year in advance since inception in 2017. The only trips available are the ones listed on our website. Our company does not keep a waitlist.
Additionally, since this is "organized" group travel, we cannot and will not add anyone last minute (6 months is last minute in our world for point of reference) even if you want to pay in full; our company does not operate in that manner. )
Find the answers to the most common questions regarding Sisters Traveling Solo and our services.
If your questions still need to be answered, please email us at info@sisterstravelingsolo.com.
Social media is not the best place to send our team questions.
If you have never traveled with our company, you must take the time to review our terms and conditions before signing up for any trip with our company. Our company will hold to all terms and conditions, so Travelers' should ensure they review the terms and conditions thoroughly before submitting a trip deposit. Terms and conditions are located on the booking page of each trip.
Is your business certified? Our business is registered with the State of Georgia and is trademarked in the United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom. Sisters Traveling Solo has a $5 MM general liability policy, including errors and omissions.
How long have you been in business? Sisters Traveling Solo has been hosting trips since September 2017. We have hosted over 40 trips across 25 different countries. For more details about our company, please review the About page on this website.
Are there any age limits? Our trips are for women 21 years and up at the time of trip departure.
Does your company roommate match?
Sisters Traveling Solo will randomly assign any Traveler with no roommate. If Traveler has a preferred roommate, the Traveler can request to be assigned with the requested Traveler. However, Travelers should note that a no-show for any reason or an inability to be paired with the requested roommate does not mean the Travelers' room now becomes a single room.
What hotel are you staying at?
Our company only provides hotel information four weeks before trip departure for several reasons. On every trip, under the "what's included" section of the initial trip itinerary, travelers can find the star rating of the accommodations we will be using. Our trips may not be ideal for anyone seeking a specific room type (i.e., view, amenities, etc.), who must know where we are staying before booking, or who may not trust that our team will provide quality accommodations.
Double Occupancy = 2 people in one room with two beds (unless otherwise stated)
Single Occupancy = 1 person in a room with one bed.
Do you require travel insurance?
Sisters Traveling Solo requires that all Travelers purchase travel insurance. The minimum coverage amount of $150,000 must include medical and evacuation. When adding the line item labeled medical in the travel insurance policy to the line item marked evacuation in the travel policy, that coverage amount must total at least $150,000.
Does your company assist with obtaining travel visas?
Travelers are responsible for securing the required visas if the trip requires a visa. Sisters Traveling Solo does not assist in the process of getting a visa.
What vaccinations are required to travel with you?
Travelers should be prepared to adhere to all entry requirements of the country we are visiting. It is up to each Traveler to ensure they meet all country entry requirements.
What happens if Sisters Traveling Solo cancels my trip?
Trip credits will only be issued if Sisters Traveling Solo cancels a trip. If a trip is canceled by Sisters Traveling Solo, credits valid 365 from the canceled trip's end date.
Does your company create pre-trip Facebook groups for trip attendees?
Unless otherwise stated in the "what's included" section of the trip registration form and initial trip itinerary, Sisters Traveling Solo will not create any trip Facebook groups, pre-trip chats, or arrange any pre-trip meetings.
When will I receive the itinerary for my trip?
An initial trip itinerary can be found on our website on each trip destination page; after signing up for one of our trips, that initial trip is provided to each Traveler. Our team will provide a final trip itinerary at least four weeks prior to trip departure to trip attendees. That final trip itinerary will include the details of your trip accommodations. Accommodation details are shared within the final trip itinerary.
Does your company assist with booking flights? Travelers are responsible for securing their international flights. Sisters Traveling Solo only books or assist with booking a flight if it is included in your trip cost. All trip inclusions can be found in the "what's included" section on the initial trip itinerary on each trip destination page.
Is airport transfer included in your trip cost? If airport transfers are included, they will only be provided from 5 AM - 11 PM on day one of the trips (start date) and from 12 AM - 12 PM on the final day (end date) of the trip as listed on the trip itinerary; no exceptions to be made.
If a traveler is arriving before the trip start is departing before or after the trip ends, the Traveler is responsible for their airport transfer. Additionally, if a traveler is coming or their departure flight requires that they be at the airport at any time outside of those mentioned above, they would be responsible for their airport transfer.